Our Team


Jeff Stowell, UVF Crossroads Board Member
Managing Partner, Royal Street Ventures

Eric Miller, UVF Crossroads Board Member
Vice President, 12-48 Holdings

Elle Hempy, Associate
University of Kansas
Class of 2025
Aerospace Engineering

Chase Horner, Analyst
University of Kansas
Class of 2025
Interdisciplinary Computing-Economics

Michael Tumberger, Analyst
Kansas State University
Class of 2026
Accounting and Finance

Joy Yan, Intern
Dartmouth University
Class of 2027
Quantitative Economics & Cognitive Science

Tristan Bashara, Intern
University of Georgia
Class of 2025
Financing with Certificates in Entrepreneurship and Personal/Organizational Leadership

Max Roberts, Intern
Kansas State University
Class of 2026

Yash Prajapati, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2026
Applied Math and Applied Computing in Economics

Kusuma Murthy, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2026
Computer Science

Maggie Kenefake, UVF Crossroads Board Member
General Partner, Iron Prairie Ventures

Wilson Hack, UVF Crossroads Board Member
Product Manager, Highspot

Taryn Perkins, Associate
University of Kansas
Class of 2025
Supply Chain Management

Aaliyah Aramjoo, Analyst
Rockhurst University
Class of 2025
Financial Markets and Economic Analysis & International Business

Suhaan Syed, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2025
Computer Science, Minor Biomedical Engineering & Mathematics

Nathan Binshtok, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2026
Economics & Political Science

Natasha Nhekairo, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2025

Michael Cahill, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2025

George Robinson, Intern
Iowa State University
Class of 2027
Finance and Accounting

Omar Mohammed, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2026
Computer Science and Math

Alex DiLeonardo, Intern
Kansas State University
Class of 2026

Bryan Shannon, UVF Crossroads Board Member
Managing Director, TreviPay

Liz Robinson, Executive Director
University Venture Fund-Crossroads

Mason Fleischman, Analyst
University of Kansas
Class of 2026
Finance & Business Administration

Amelia Schneider, Intern
University of Missouri-Columbia
Class of 2024
Economics and Business Administration

Rron Thaci , Intern
Rockhurst University
Class of 2025
Accounting + Financial Markets & Economic Analysis

Alex Dedecker, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2026

Brett Balquist, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2026
Computer Science and Mathematics

Lars Yarkosky, Intern
Rockhurst University
Class of 2026
Computer Science & Applied Mathematics

Teigan Blaine, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2027
Finance and International Business

Piyush Bhanu, Intern
University of Kansas
Class of 2027
PhD Bioengineering